Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10/22/19; revisions adopted 12/13/22
The office of the Vice President for Business Affairs has established a fleet management and motor vehicle use policy for all vehicles owned by East Georgia State College to ensure that safe, reliable, and cost-efficient vehicular resources are available to employees who conduct the college’s business, and to ensure that college employees who drive State of Georgia vehicles have appropriate documentation to drive and operate the vehicle. The policy shall require appropriate screening based on the nature of the driving requirements associated with the employee’s position. This policy applies to all faculty and staff. Drivers are responsible for adhering to all motor vehicle laws and regulations and safely operating vehicles while conducting College business.
Employees are also directed to the following sources for additional applicable policies:
- Policies and Procedures of the College
- Business Affairs Policies and Procedures Manual (PDF)
- East Georgia State College Travel Policy
- East Georgia State College Employee Handbook (PDF)
- Georgia Fleet Management Manual (PDF)
- Georgia Hands Free Law
- USG Human Resources Administrative Practice Manuel: Employment/Motor Vehicle Use (PDF)
Automotive Resource International (ARI)- The contracted agency that provides the administrative tasks of motor vehicle maintenance operation expenses.
Commuting- Use of an EGSC fleet vehicle by an employee for travel between locations to conduct business on behalf of the college.
Disposition of Charges – Final court decisions including any court-mandated fines and other sanctions.
DOAS- Department of Administrative Services is a state entity that offers centralized state purchasing and associated training and management of the State’s fleet, risk management services, redistribution, and disposal of State property.
Driver – The operator of a motor vehicle.
Driver’s License – A license authorizing the bearer to drive a motor vehicle.
Entity Owned Vehicle- Any state-owned vehicle with a title held by East Georgia State College. The collection of vehicles is referred to as the College Fleet.
Employee- Any part-time or full-time employee, excluding student employees.
Motor Vehicle Record – A report from the agency that issues Driver’s Licenses listing accidents and violations that appear on the driver’s driving record.
OFM- A Division of DOAS, the Office of Fleet Management is charged with the management of fleet policy within the State and assists state entities in the management of their fleet.
POV – An employee’s personally owned vehicle.
Rental Vehicle – A vehicle in which the use involves an agreement where a payment is made for the temporary use of the vehicle which is owned by another person or company. The owner of the vehicle may be referred to as the lessor and the party paying to use the property is the lessee or renter.
Report My Driving – Under the guidelines of the auto physical damage (APD) component of the State of GA Risk Management Insurance coverage, all state entities are required to be in full compliance with the Report My Driving program. Participation in this outsourced, phone-based program includes decals (stickers) for all non-emergency state vehicles. Each decal contains a toll-free number for call-ins along with a specific, unique number that corresponds to and identifies that particular vehicle.
RMS - Risk Management Services is responsible for providing liability and auto physical damage (APD) insurance coverage for the fleet and establishing policies and procedures for the handling of claims. Additionally, RMS provides safety training and coverage information through its video library, seminars, and onsite training.
WEX – Wright Express, the State of Georgia’s fuel card program. The program provides 24-hour card access to fuel state vehicles where Wright Express is accepted. PINs are required for each employee who purchases fuel for a college vehicle.
Applicability of Policies and Procedures
These policies and procedures apply to all EGSC employees who drive college, personal or rental vehicles on college business and to the passenger-type, road-worthy vehicles owned by East Georgia State College.
Vehicle Identification
Entity-owned vehicles shall display the college logo as well as the unit number as assigned. Each vehicle shall also display a “Report My Driving” bumper sticker on the rear bumper of the vehicle. Exception: EGSC Public Safety vehicles.
Driver Qualifications
East Georgia State College employees must have a valid license in their possession while operating a vehicle on college business.
Regardless of frequency and location of driving, all East Georgia State College employees who drive on college business shall be subject to annual training. Training is conducted through the Office of Human Resources at the time of hire and annual online training.
Employees who travel frequently on college business and/or under Standing Travel Authorizations must have a current driver’s license on file in Human Resources, as well as be subject to an annual Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) run through the Georgia Department of Driver’s Services (DDS). The MVRs will be conducted by the Office of Human Resources on or around the employee’s birthday each year. Employees will be required to submit a Driver Acknowledgement Form ( (Online forms – Business Office) with their Standing Travel Authorization each fiscal year. The office of Human Resources will ensure that these documents are kept in the employee’s file and that they are kept current. It shall be the employee’s responsibility to ensure that their records are current. It is the employee’s responsibility to disclose driver disqualifying events to Human Resources upon hire, annually, and after a disqualifying event, as defined herein.
Driver Disqualifications
An employee who has had one of the following occurrences during the 24 months preceding their use or request for use of an entity-owned vehicle or a personal or rented vehicle used for college business will be considered a “Disqualified Driver”:
- Accumulating more than 10 points on his or her driving record,
- Receiving a citation (ticket or warning) while driving on college business,
- Having an “at fault” motor vehicle accident within the six (6) months preceding an assignment to drive on college business, or
- Having been convicted of one of the following offenses preceding an assignment to
drive on college business:
- Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Leaving the scene of an accident
- Refusal to take a chemical test for intoxication
Employees shall be required to disclose to the Office of Human Resources if any of the above apply using the Driver Notification Form (Online forms – Business Office). A Disqualified Driver may not drive on college business until: (a) his or her Motor Vehicle Record has been reviewed by the Office of Human Resources and (b) the Disqualified Driver has satisfied the corrective, preventative, and/or educational measures specified by the college, if applicable.
- The measures specified may include, but are not limited to, the following: viewing a driver safety video; successfully completing an approved defensive driving course; and/or waiting a specified time before being permitted to again drive on college business.
- Based on the nature of the events leading to Disqualified Driver status, it may be determined that the Disqualified Driver may never again be permitted to drive a vehicle on college business. Prior to making such a determination, the Office of Human Resources must consult the Disqualified Driver’s departmental manager to discuss the factors supporting such a determination and the effects such a determination may have on the job status of the Disqualified Driver.
- Among the factors that should be considered in determining whether Disqualified Driver
status can be removed and the conditions for doing so may include:
- The driving conditions under which the relevant events occurred.
- The extent to which the Disqualified Driver exceeded the maximum speed, level of intoxication, or other limitation imposed according to applicable law.
- The apparent degree of recklessness or disregard for safety on the part of the Disqualified Driver.
- Whether anyone was injured as a result of the Disqualified Driver’s actions.
- The amount of time that has passed since the events in question occurred.
An employee with a driver’s license that is expired, suspended, or revoked is not permitted to drive on college business until the license is reinstated. Employees who drive on college business are to disclose any license expiration, suspension, or revocation using the Driver Notification Form (Online forms – Business Office).
Employees charged with the following offenses are not permitted to drive on college business until they provide proof of the disposition of the charges:
- Driving Under the Influence
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Leaving the scene of an accident
- Refusal to take a chemical test for intoxication
- Aggressive Driving (only if a conviction would result in more than 10 points accumulated on the driving record)
- Exceeding the speed limit by more than 19 mph (only if a conviction would result in more than 10 points accumulated on the driving record)
Employees who drive on college business are to disclose receipt of the above charges by submitting a Driver Notification Form no later than the workday following the charges.
Employees who meet all Driver Qualifications following receipt of proof of the disposition of the charges are permitted to resume driving on college business.
If an employee does not meet all Driver Qualifications following the disposition of the charges, the employee will be considered a Disqualified Driver and will not be permitted to drive on college business until the circumstances leading to such citations have been reviewed by the college’s Office of Human Resources as outlined in this section.
Vehicle Assignments
Business Affairs makes every effort to accommodate requests for vehicles on a first come first served basis. Fleet Assignment Guidelines are found at (Online forms - Business Office)
When two or more employees are attending the same meeting or conference, they shall be required to utilize one campus vehicle unless one has another engagement that would prevent logical travel arrangements for all.
If changes to travel are necessary, employees should notify fleetFREEOMNIUPDATE at the earliest possible time.
If an employee requests a college vehicle for approved travel and fails to use the vehicle or notify fleetFREEOMNIUPDATE of their change in plans before the travel is scheduled to begin, mileage will not be reimbursed for travel.
Vehicle Mechanical Problems
Each fleet vehicle is covered under the OFMS’s service program, ARI. ARI contact information is in the mileage logbook of each vehicle. Should problems with a vehicle arise while off campus, employees should contact the Business Affairs office (478-289-0708) during normal business hours, or EGSC Public Safety (Swainsboro 478-289-2090, Statesboro 478-455-1606), and with ARI. ARI’s contacts include a call center, emergency roadside assistance, and vehicle maintenance services. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.
Effective October 1, 2019, all new state employees who will be required to drive a state-owned vehicle and use the state fuel card will be required to complete the Fuel Card Driver Acknowledgement before the Fleet Manager or designee issues the new driver a fuel card PIN. To ensure compliance, if a position requires the employee to drive, the Fuel Card Driver Acknowledgement will need to be a part of the employee’s onboarding. Employees should follow the instructions in Fuel Card Driver Acknowledgement Tool Guide to receive the fuel card training and acknowledgment. They should, upon completion of this training, download their certificate and email it to fleetFREEOMNIUPDATE. If they have difficulty with the training or downloading the certificate, please contact fleetFREEOMNIUPDATE.
In addition, employees who transfer to new positions which will require them to drive state-owned vehicles will need to follow the same procedure.
Passengers must be affiliated with the applicable approved function for which the vehicle is being used; it is considered unauthorized to transport passengers who are not college employees unless on college business.
The Auto Program is a self-funded program through the State of Georgia that covers state employees while driving on state business. The program provides liability coverage that pays for injuries and damages caused by state employees and other covered persons while performing their official duties. A State of Georgia insurance card is in each entity-owned vehicle in the mileage logbook. In addition, the use of a POV is covered under the same program for the damage that may be caused to another’s vehicle, at the fault of the State’s employee, while conducting official college business. Copies of the State’s insurance card are available in the Business Office for those employees who utilize their POV while conducting college business. The college employee must be the driver of the POV when the damage occurs.
Complaints/Disciplinary Action
The Office of Human Resources has the responsibility to research all citizen complaints about EGSC fleet vehicles. Each complaint that is received is taken very seriously and will be processed as follows:
- Upon receipt of a complaint (via Driver Check or some other means), the VP for Business Affairs or designee shall review the complaint and identify the driver of the vehicle. Within two (2) business days of the complaint, the violator driver and his/her supervisor will be notified of the complaint via email to inform them of the complaint. Depending on the severity of the complaint and prior history of complaints, a meeting may be conducted with the violator driver and his/her supervisor.
- Should the complaint call be reported through Driver Check, the employee will be required to participate in the program’s online training(s) for the particular driving infraction(s); violators will be notified they have twenty-four (24) hours to complete the required training(s).
- Employees who receive more than two (2) citizen complaints or Driver Check verified complaints within a twelve (12) month period shall become disqualified drivers and shall not be permitted to drive a campus vehicle or use their vehicle while conducting college business. A Disqualified Driver may not drive on college business until: (a) his or her Motor Vehicle Record has been reviewed by the Office of Human Resources and (b) the Disqualified Driver has satisfied the corrective, preventative, and/or educational measures specified by the college, if applicable.
- The complaint, training, and any other supporting documents will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
- Training for all management-level employees on how to handle notifications to the phone-based system will be provided by the Human Recourses Department.
Whenever an accident occurs that involves an entity-owned vehicle or a non-Entity owned vehicle being used on official college business, the following actions shall be taken:
- Assist the injured.
- Report the accident to the police immediately.
- Report the accident to the Office of Human Resources immediately, who will report to the Claims Reporting Hotline. In no event should reporting the accident to be delayed beyond 48 hours.
- If the accident involves a non-Entity-owned vehicle being used by an EGSC employee in the performance of their duties, the accident should also be reported to the vehicle owner’s personal auto insurance company or the vehicle rental company.
At the accident scene, the employee should obtain as much of the following information as possible:
- Brief narrative description of the accident including date, time, and location of the accident (including the direction each vehicle was traveling), weather conditions, traffic conditions, diagram and written description, and if possible, photos of all vehicles involved showing any damages, physical surroundings, etc. In addition, the employee should try to obtain the police authority(ies) investigating and their accident number, as well as the employee’s specific duty being performed at the time of the accident, a description of all other vehicles involved, and the other vehicle’s insurance information. A list of all injured parties, their apparent injury, address, and phone numbers, as well as a list of all known witnesses and their address and phone numbers, should be obtained.
- EGSC employees in an entity-owned vehicle or their POV or rented vehicle who become involved in an accident while conducting personal business are not covered by the State Auto Program, and liability will be assumed by the employee.
- If the entity-owned vehicle must be towed, ARI should be notified for assistance.
- Employees are not permitted to and shall not express an opinion as to fault or liability, agree to any settlements, or sign any documents other than those required by police authorities, the state’s insurance carrier, or applicable laws.
- EGSC employees are covered under state workers’ compensation for injuries sustained while operating vehicles or as a passenger in a vehicle in the performance of their job duties.
An Accident Review Panel consisting of the VP for Business Affairs and the Director of Human Recourses minimally addressing, but not be limited to:
- Review all Motor Vehicle Accidents.
- Determine whether the incident was preventable by the state driver.
- If appropriate, administer corrective actions through a disciplined process for preventable accidents.
- Apply other corrective actions as deemed appropriate.
Prohibitions while Operating a Fleet Vehicle
- Passengers that are not affiliated with the applicable approved function for which the vehicle is being used.
- Use of any tobacco products.
- Operation while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or the transportation of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances.
- To comply with State law, drivers are prohibited from driving while holding a cell phone or other communication device.
- Using the vehicle for personal business of any kind.
- Eating while driving.
- Transporting of pets (except service animals).
Driver Responsibilities
- Beginning and ending mileage, as well as the trip information (destination) and the employee’s name should be recorded in the vehicle mileage log located in each vehicle.
- Seatbelts must be worn at all times.
- Vehicles should be left clean. All trash and personal items should be removed.
- Vehicles should be left re-fueled upon return, regardless of the distance the vehicle was driven.
- Mechanical problems that are encountered should be reported to Business Affairs or to Public Safety immediately upon return to campus.
- Drivers must ensure that College vehicles are properly secured while off campus.
- Drivers must ensure that safe driving practices are exhibited at all times.
Loss or Damage of Personal or Entity-Owned Property
EGSC is not responsible or liable for loss or damage to any personal or EGSC fleet property or belongings transported or left in a fleet vehicle.